The Medicine of Understanding
Eyes Wide Open Life Podcast
The Way Forward

The Way Forward

This episode is an edit clip from The Walled Garden Podcast where I was a guest recently.  The interviewer is a collaborator and friend of mine, Australian Poet and Philosopher Simon Drew.

As you'll hear from this interview Simon is a thoughtful host who is incredible at holding space for rich and meaningful conversation.

 We discuss:

  • The project of bringing Mysticism and Science together intelligently and elegantly, without doing a disservice to either.

  • The nature of skewed incentives and how that has affected public trust of institutions and degraded public discourse.

  • The daring leadership of asking difficult questions, sitting with paradoxes and how important these are in the service of progress and evolution of consciousness.

  • Actualisation, and what that can mean for both individuals and our species as we stand on the brink of an impossible moment.

  • The kind of trouble the human race is facing, the tendency towards fatalism or apathy, and what we can do about this in the context of self-ownership and what it means to come from Love not from Fear.

Simon is the founder of The Walled Garden - a global community of philosophers, artists, and seekers who are dedicated to the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Virtue, and the Divine wherever they may be found.

Simon is also the host of The Walled Garden Podcast, the flagship of a growing network of podcasts centring on topics ranging right through the spectrum of the humanities, including philosophy, theology, mysticism, mythology, poetry, history and spirituality, a community I am planning to become an active part of.


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The Medicine of Understanding
Eyes Wide Open Life Podcast
Honoring our souls' search for Meaning and Belonging, our hearts' journey of leadership, growth and healing, through the medium of Conversation, Poetry, Art, Photography and Essays.