The Medicine of Understanding
Eyes Wide Open Life Podcast
Attention Deficit Culture

Attention Deficit Culture

This week I am joined in conversation with Avigail Gimpel.

Avigail is a mother of 6, college lecturer and author of Hyper Healing - a book dedicated to educating teachers, coaches and primarily parents of children with symptoms that would fall under the blanket diagnosis of ADHD.

 My guest  is a voracious relentless researcher, who has a gifted husband and 6 gifted children all on the spectrum and is committed to leaving no stone unturned in her quest for deeper understandings and solutions -  Something you will hear come out very clearly as we meander enjoyably through our conversation.

We Discuss:

  • Instant gratification type personalities

  • Living with ADHD Kids or Partners

  • The flaws of the Education System

  • The Importance of Diet

  • The false diagnosis of ADHD as a condition 

  • The wide array of ADHD symptoms with varying underling causes

Our personal journeys of Actualisation require self-acceptance and integration through Inner Child Healing.  So many of us are struggling in our life paths, in relationships, in careers that simply do no stimulate us, or feel alien in a culture that seems filled with other people who seem more well-adjusted to all those things than we are.  Ultimately all of us except the absolutely vanilla core of the mainstream, are on the spectrum, one way or another.  The entire human species is undergoing individuation as we transition into the next phase of evolution.   A big part of understanding ourselves and taking ownership of our own inner child and accepting our nature is captured in the core of this conversation.

As a culture we have spent the last 30 years trying to work out how to fix children that were not adapted to the traditional academic K12 education model.  The kids were never broken.  An education system that expected children to sit still for hours at a time and learn by wrote was always woefully, outdated, inept and was in fact the problem that should never have existed in the first place.

 Education after all is the lighting of a fire, not the filling of a cup.

The book  Hyper Healing is subtitled The Empowered Parents Complete Guide to Raising a Healthy Child with ADHD Symptoms


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The Medicine of Understanding
Eyes Wide Open Life Podcast
Honoring our souls' search for Meaning and Belonging, our hearts' journey of leadership, growth and healing, through the medium of Conversation, Poetry, Art, Photography and Essays.